Sunday 6 May 2007

Good Bye And Thank You For The Fish

This sunday morning, the mission of Expedition I came to an end.
It lasted 73 exciting days, but now the ants must move on and so must I.

I liberated them.

Only about 8 of them made it. I wish them well.

Freedom can be hard in this part of the universe.

Friday 4 May 2007


And now to something not completely different:
Those pictures are taken from my favourite space disco in an undisclosed place. The fish there are for decoration only.
Reminds me a of my own AntWorks® container: Poor animals are kept in an unnatural place for the pleasure of a freaky crowd.
There is however one big difference: I do not expose them to crap music.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

No's AntWorks® Update

Its now 3 week since I have last seen Ms No's ant farm, and 2 weeks since the space ant baby was born.
The space eggs are still there but I could not spot any baby. It must have grown up.