Sunday 6 May 2007

Good Bye And Thank You For The Fish

This sunday morning, the mission of Expedition I came to an end.
It lasted 73 exciting days, but now the ants must move on and so must I.

I liberated them.

Only about 8 of them made it. I wish them well.

Freedom can be hard in this part of the universe.

Friday 4 May 2007


And now to something not completely different:
Those pictures are taken from my favourite space disco in an undisclosed place. The fish there are for decoration only.
Reminds me a of my own AntWorks® container: Poor animals are kept in an unnatural place for the pleasure of a freaky crowd.
There is however one big difference: I do not expose them to crap music.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

No's AntWorks® Update

Its now 3 week since I have last seen Ms No's ant farm, and 2 weeks since the space ant baby was born.
The space eggs are still there but I could not spot any baby. It must have grown up.

Monday 30 April 2007

Another R.I.P.

The dead body of a space ant was found at Santa Catarina Plane. Armstrong passed away.
Most likely cause of this fatality: Old Age.

Thursday 26 April 2007

Coco Channel Mambo Nº 5

I am happy to be able to announce that yet another bonk occurred. The tunnel west of the Zagatón area hit the sinkhole south of Anatolia and, consequently, another channel came into being, forming the second passage between Birnie Loch and Loch Coruisk.
After Highway 1, Avenida Atlântica, Avenida General Paz and St Marx's Place, this is the 5th channel in this habitat and shall therefore be named Channel Nº 5.

Many thanks (in alphabetical order) to Armstrong, Armstrong, Armstrong, Armstrong and Armstrong. Of course this could not have been achieved without Armstrong, Armstrong and Armstrong. Not to forget Armstrong and all the others. And last but not least: Armstrong.
Thank you all for your vision, faith and confidence.

Friday 20 April 2007

Three New Sinkholes

After nearly two month in the tube, Armstrong and her crewmates are still digging.

Tuesday 17 April 2007


Its time to give my ants proper names!

AntWorks® suggest the following: "If you decide to name your ants, you might choose Armstrong as a surname".
Now AntWorks® need to be funny to sell their product. Their reasoning goes like this: Ant workers can carry up to 50 times their own weight blah blah blah (and all the crap you learnt at school), so they are very strong, "armstrong" ha ha ha.

I will call them "Armstrong" for a different reason: At the end of the day, they are "space ants" and as we all know: Neil Armstrong made space history. He was the first person ever to NOT set his foot on the moon (because the moon landing was a fake).

This is why I will call my ants "Armstrong".

Of course it is a bit odd to give them all the same name, but for me they all look the same and I don't know how to distinguish them so what else can I possibly do?

Sunday 15 April 2007

The Space Ant Baby

View of the baby's birthplace

It is healthy, tiny and cute.
We welcome the new citizen of earth. Everybody is happy. The Expedition I crew also sends out the very best wishes.
Unfortunately I cannot provide any picture of the toddler yet, and when I finally have the opportunity to see it in two weeks from now, it will most likely be a grown up.

Breaking News: Space Ant Born

This just came in (my girlfriend called me): A small space ant baby was born.
I will post as soon as more info is available. Stay tuned...

Saturday 14 April 2007


Two more are gone.

They are now somewhere else. This is how things are.

(They seem to prefer to say ciao in the Zacatón area. I do not know whether this is simply their favourite retirement place, or because this part of the habitat may lack oxygen due to rockfills from construction works.)

Thursday 12 April 2007

St Mark's Place

Lets not forget to mention that the crew cleaned up a little bit in tunnel C2 and removed some deposits, which made it finally possible to inaugurate the habitat's fourth channel.
I name it St. Mark's Place, which actually is not a place but a famous street in Manhattan. I hope this is not confusing.

Tuesday 10 April 2007

Super Bonk

Back from my Easter trip to No's ant farm, my own crew surprised me with an architectonic milestone: the western flank of Avenida Atlântica reached Anatolia Den.
This has far reaching implications: from now on it is possible to go from any loch to any other loch in the system without the need to traverse the Highlands. For example you could even go from Loch Eck at the very west to Loch Dungeon at the very east . That's cool and convenient!
Highway 1 and Avenida Atlântica are now connected and form a truly intercontinental highway (sort of).

A historic achievement which was only possible because of the hard work of each individual ant.

Per formiga ad astra!

Monday 9 April 2007

Amazing: Space Ant Eggs!

My girlfriend's AntWorks® is quite different to mine: Not only do her ants have focus, they also have eggs!
I thing I have spotted three of them. But are they really eggs? Or are they grub? Or cocoons?
And where do they come from?
I don't know. As soon as this blog gets more page views, I will have the money to educate myself and you as well.
For the meanwhile, just look at this cute ant looking at us with her faithful dog eyes, showing us this wonderful egg/grub/cocoon - making you wanna hug and cuddle that lovely creature.
Truly amazing this is. Happy Easter!

Saturday 7 April 2007

Easter Ants

Are you tired of ants from outer space in always the same blue unnatural neon gel?
Well, good news! AntWorks® habitats are now also available with green unnatural neon gel and red unnatural neon gel. As you can see here.
"That's not what I meant", I hear you shout.
OK, I brought for you a picture from my weekend trip: real, happy, free range, fair trade non-space ants.
(The first time I have spotted ants in nature this year.)